...and what was left out of the Leonidio report, such as the hare-stew we were gifted by other guests at what turned out to be our favorite eatery. We woke to another sparkly blue sky opposed to the rainy forcast, but decided it was a bit chilly to breakfast on the balcony and joined the other guests in the quaint dining room for a most gorgous breakfast served with the antique looking china of course, greek youhurt, eggs, home made bread still warm, butter, two types of jam, honey, cheese, ham, coffee, tea, sweet bread that looked like kakaós kalács - bit sweeter and more cake.
We walked to the bottom of the castle but I chickened out after the first 100 steps at the sign which promised 800 more.Alan forgave me after a very pleasant walk along the beach, while the local marathon - or more like 10km - runners were passing us. We walked round the peninsula of the other castle this way and then got a boat to the one in the sea. Then joined thousands of sunday greeks in one of the cafes - sitting outside of course as by then they had to put up the umbrellas against the hot sun...
then we found a funky shop of ethiopian/kenyan etc things and bought very groovy stuff, then we had siesta and anticipate the evening meal as we were good and had no lunch.

the ancient wall and church (from the 10th century initially) where our balcony is facing. But every turn - like in Naples - shows a very ancient looking, usually abandoned, not restored corner - but how could they attend to all this stuff??
Alan stands at the back entrance of the hotel. By the way, when we returned for our siesta this afternoon, there were a dish of tangerines waiting for us...
hm, and I haven't shown you the showers yet, one of those where you can sit down and there are nozzles on the side to wash your back...