so ok, after all that gushing about Raches, we happily went off
and drove about 100miles before realizing, that we did not pick up the passport from the reception when we left. So without falling out or shouting a lot, we turned back and retraced, somewhat less happily our steps... so we haven't made today's target near Macedonia - but who cares - we found this place, Platamonas, with a view to (a stormy) sea and to an impressive castle, which was walkable and about 5 times Siklós.
This hotel is like a ghost place - who knows why they keep it open in the winter - there is a real fire lit in the (empty and posh) restaurant that can easily sit a hundred... we though it would be dear, but it was 50euros incl breakfast, and the host young man/waiter/receptionist wouldn't let us pay for our initial tea/beer. We are looking forward our meal with anticipation - and hunger, as all we had for lunch was an orange soaked cheese pasty type of left-over from yesterday, I don't know how 2 of our gift oranges got crushed, we have three more of them looking un-harmed and ready to accompany us for the next leg of the home-ward bound journey.
Yes, stormy, but not cold, we had bad rain and driving conditions second time round, making us even angrier - if we hadn't had to turn back, we might had escaped all the bad weather. But it was ok for our walk to the castle, so I have no reason to complain. Will do look at fotos at home - or later tonight if I get too much to eat again and can't sleep...
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