All night proper stuff. However, the river is still missing – the water is probably collected in some hidden reservoir, would be a waste just let it run to the sea. Leonidio would look even more picturesque with a shiny gap in the middle, rather than this stony one.
We attempted another climb today – this time on foot, to the church about three times as high up as the one on our inland walk. But we chose the wrong pass that disappeared with the olives – must have been just for the farmer to get to his trees. We might try to find yet a better road – though now there is a count down to our leaving day from here. The temperature didn't drop much with the rain, even if not as hot during the day of course, still well over 10C, very comfortable, and in the house must be around 20 as we still haven't felt the need to heat.
We did find the taverna for eating that we were after, it turned out, that the proper local village food is not to be found on the menues... one have to point to the birthday-party of about 6 gentlemen at the next table – we want that! We haven't yet spotted a menu given to the locals... only to us foreigners...
anyway, now we in the know, we had very good food – the stuff we remembered from old times... and we are going back there every night or so while we are here (off the main shopping street, towards the hill, found it by accident on one of our walks.) The taverna pictures are of another one we dropped in a few times. We are so happy, that the crisis of the stupid banks etc still couldn't crush the style of living here – the menfolk – and more rare others, too, still populate most cafes, playing cards, Wtching football or just talking. We haven't seen tabla (backgammon) played, maybe that is not a local tradition here.
we came here again after sieste before evening meal, and as I type here, the only woman, and about 40 oldish men - I can hear their worry-beads as well as the news on the big telly but the chatting is louder..
we had a good walk up to a mountain we haven't been on before - but we had to turn back
before reaching the church nesting there - we chose the wrong path and therain started to come down heavy, so we postponed this for another day - but we are rapidly running out of time...

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