
re-settled in Hungary from Rochdale, Lancs, England, and into a little village, doing a bit of greenish farming hoping for a quiet life... but stuff just happens...

Saturday, August 26, 2006

tons of stuff

yes, tons of stuff happen so there's no time to blog. We now live in other house and is not quite like camping anymore, getting a bit homier every day. Emphasis now is on doors and windows as these need to be shut properly when it turns colder.
The rustic furniture is re-assembled and cleaned and is impressing visitors. Bill and Doris have spent about four weeks in their "new" house just up the road and seem to enjoy it, bit maybe over the top, claiming medicinal properties for the tapwater and the air... long term wwoofers Ashleigh and Andrew were treasurable, they are contemplating moving on next week, which will leave Mariyana and Milan from Bulgaria, who were lent to next door neighbour Nora, helping her as well as us, sort of wwoofers' sharing system... and now that we don't have any more wwoofers this year, I can declare, that they were all likable, helpful and became friends - without an exception!
Tons of tomatoes up there, froze some in pasta-sauce form, will preserve tons more next week. Sweetcorn season sadly coming to end, but the sorrel and spinach insist on growing. I just found a hot paprika today on the field, I had no idea we managed to plant some. We had 3 (three) melons, a weird type, luckily no more, as they were not sweet. Excitement: Bill is taking me to Tesco's tomorrow!! Picures show Ashleigh's cookies and sorreldance (sorrels ready to go to freezer) more next time, with people for a change.(Éva)

Monday, August 07, 2006

let the pictures speak... so much seems to happening with overflowing wwoofers, overflowing produce and new house owners (here in Kiskassa and in Pusztakisfalu, North of Pécs) arriving from England, and floor warnish that wouldn't dry. We've been sleeping in "the other" house now for 3 days amidst tools, piles of furniture and so on, but still, it feels like progress. Tons of beetroots, carrots, sweetcorn, beans, kohlrabis, spinach, and other stuff are getting eaten and processed by the nice and diligent hoard of the abovementioned wwoofers; some outside wallscraping and "gletting" is getting done on "the other" house, while the weather turned cool for a change with quite a lot of rain. So we have a "farmhouse kitchen" picture, a relaxing wwoofer (Elke from Germany) and goat on the roof... don't ask... (Éva)