
re-settled in Hungary from Rochdale, Lancs, England, and into a little village, doing a bit of greenish farming hoping for a quiet life... but stuff just happens...

Monday, October 29, 2007

autumn pics

the flowers Bill and Doris' given us last year - that were green doing nothing
all summer, and now...! And Jani bácsi's autumn yard - it looks nicer in real life,
the picture looks a bit flat ...
the village is dressed in mist with drizzles and rain for the 5th day now, and the forcast is to stay the same and getting colder from the 11-13C degrees that feels cold even in the absence of wind. I think this is the longest sun-less period we experienced here, including the two winters.
Clary was under the weather a bit, Alan reckons she just took a dislike to the latest batch of hay.

Saturday, October 27, 2007


couldn't think up a title.
Have I mentioned that we are changing to
gmail? That is
slowly. At the moment I check out both accounts and
try to let all "contacts" know about the switch.
I am upto letter L...
I try to figure out how to change all reference
to e-mail address on blog and on ecohun page,
though on second thought maybe it should be Marc incase I mess up things
and dear blog-reader will not blogread us no more...

picture of beautifully cleaned-up and waxed stone tile floor of the smoking room
coming up next time, done by the hard work of kiwi wwoofer Christine.
we are getting ready for our big trip to Budapest-London-Manchester-London-
Tenerife-London-Budapest, 7th nov - 28th nov...
Józsi started to practice on the goats.

Unfortunately besides Magdi and Feri, Szabi is leaving the village,
starting a crappy job in London, but it's legit and pays much better
than being -however good and dedicated - village caretaker, where his monthly
income is not sufficient to pay his debts, poor lad. Reni, the good singer
girl is going, too. I'm supposed to help out in the Telehouse while Szabi's away,
no other volunteers yet, I don't want to do it every day, even though
they have a broader band than us...

Alan had another lesson on the guitar with Vic, (and they took
us to the Pécs fair and to see Ratatoui) so it's either Radio 4
now or Alan making his finger hurt on the guitar... I am upto
volume 9 of Robert Merle's French History saga, out of 13, and it's not winter yet.
Have to remember the clocks going back tonight.
Bonzo's keep breaking his chain, but that is not news, so I'd better shut up.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

newish e-mail address and hydro

well, was stuck, so now I have, if the other fails, but as I didn't yet work out how to import contacts, we are in between - both sort of working.
Here is the picture of Alan's water turbine, if anyone knows how to connect it, that would be great. We cannot figure out what make it is. And now, he says, time to fidget with some alternative energies! oops - the blogs image service is not working,
so the picture comes next time. Also, I forgot to tell, that we were taken to the movies and we saw Ratatoui (I forgot how is spelled) the Hungarian version is called L'ecso anyways... Maggie drove us to town feeling at home with the attrocious weather...

Saturday, October 20, 2007


we had only one dark day - very little rain.
Now it's lovely autumn - frost in the morning,
bright fairly warm sunshine during the day.
Rugby final day - the Dark Dog might stay open for us in Ujpetre,
as the only channel that shows the final, does it as reapeat starting at 11pm.
Damn. We are a bit slow and easily tired - must be the big temeraturedifference
in the day, we were told... pictures show Matt and Molly, wwoofers who did a lot of good work, and more of the latest beautifying jobs.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

back on line - october

so the PC is working at the moment - after a few trips
to Pecs, thanks to Szabi... so I quickly do a blog, one never knows -
not that a lot happened - mainly plastering walls, painting, gathering corn
left behind by combine harvesters, picking walnuts, reading my Robert Merle french history yarns, the hungarian version, they are not translated to English.
Billy goat had a leap for freedom, I mean, to make his way back to his home to Magdi's,
he was at the pub by the time with the help of some village bikers doing a bit of herding, I managed to grasp the collar eventually,
and after that it walked home quite nicely. I wish it did go back - it is very smelly.
And the job is well- done - or so it seems...

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

lovely autumn

just pictures, the ripe figs, Catone was relaxing on the freshly collected walnuts when disturbed, our flowers called duranta doing their best since july, oh, yes, the well...
it turned out, that the big hole that suddenly appeared in the front of the yard
used to be a well... should have guessed, it has a very circular side - with the rains
it must have collepsed that meter or so material sort of downwards. We are to fill it with normal soil we was told, which is easy, as we have some of that from our annual
drop from our private hillside...
yes 4 picures, in seconds!! I love broadband!!
BBC radio 6 is great!! Not to menion radio 4... as for tv we didn't try it yet.