yes! The early cherries in Nora's section - not quite the best, but plenty left by the birds and wonderful. As they are not really good to preserve in any way, we can just eat them or giving them away. Picking them not arduous, especially in the warm sunshine with the balmy breeze we are having lately, just perfect. We have about 4 different types of lettuces, and never seen quantities of rocket, aka ruccola. So - I was creative and made pesto with the bucket of ruccola and some basil, loads of garlic... topped the jar with olive - if it behaves like other similar stuff I conserved in the past, it should last. We tried a portion mixed with kefir and parmezan on pasta - it was marvelous! Also for the pleasure of eating pasta as that was exiled from our low-carb diet... next day we had the left over pasta with the same + mushrooms, the consistency was not right - too dilute as I did not want to chuck the mushroom- juices - but the taste was fine... all gone... strawberries need a couple more days, we won't have raspberry in May this year - but tons coming up for June. There are a few leaves on the fig trees, so they are not dead - but I don't think we'll have fruit this year. But I still have a few jars of fig-compote! besides the messing with my new notebook kisbordo Acer - which was freezing up after a couple of hours use - had to take it back, see what happens next... I hope they fix it or exchange it for a good one - I took a liking to it, so pretty and light... We had our heath tests, and we are boarderline on a few things, but Alan's sugar was inside the limit, as was my cholesterol... there were a few other H-es but if the docs don't think we should worry, we won't... The Ujpetre tennis court is available, as it turned out after only 12 years or so, we might have a go while we still can. I enjoyed so much my hour with Maggie in Pecs - the Tennis club their is also comfy. We have the Whitsunday szalonnasütés to look forward to, otherwise we are just enjoying our village life, Alan busy in the garden, I am busy with my political debates - hey, Nepszava is publishing my letters after all, though heavily edited - still better than nothing. Also reading a lot and still edicted to the "Italian style" crossword puzzles. So much so, that we are about 2 months behind the Guardian quicks...