Well, a dark rainy blogging day - was busy not to get -too- annoyed with Boully - it was a long two weeks, I am bit ashamed, but couldn't cope well. Still, it is over, and we had some nice time with Pete. Alan was busy in the garden, Bonzo is back to his naughty self. Erzsi is just has been taken out - rain or not- to the big Pécs market for Hungarian mother's day, Edit and feri is taking out 19 people for a big mothers' day meal in Budakeszi - pity it is such an unsunny day. We also had the May day village fest, with the cooking competition, Pete was chosen to be part of the 3 member jury, a task taken most seriously... I managed to have a couple of table-tennising and a proper tennis with Maggie. Which was just -so- good - and was taken afterwards to the new library building in P;cs, which, embarrassingly, I haven't looked at before. Its fantastic! Amazing Zsolnai staircase below. And the self-service bistro - very good, cheap, chearful, health-conscious... We are getting depressed by the -even for us - amazingly one-sided medea campaign for the tories - even the BBC and the Guardian is so nasty and dismissive about Corbyn, with -no- pro opinion on air anywhere. Today is the french election - after BrexTrump one cannot believe the stats - but getting the usual banker crook instead of the fascist is not such a relief really... and don't mention here... Népszava became Népszabads'g with the same format and the same policy of not publishing more letters from me... However, I enjoyed lively debates and tons of likes on the Futurelearn courses - the "challenging Wealth and inequality" did not do a lot of challenging of course, though I did a lot of prodding. Now I am doing Global politics - by a French management school - there is lots of very long-winded meaningless waffle about everything and nothing, and there are a lot of BrexTrump people regurgitating BrexTrump stuff like if they thought it up all themselves... maybe the human race is getting a bit thick? Or am I getting horrid elitist to my old age?
if you haven't guessed you can see the Beremend chapel, as well as the library zsolnay, Siklós castle, hm the others probably been shown before from other angles... we stay put now, no visitors on the horizon... might do a few local trips... Alan never been to \Sopron/Kőszeg...

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