ready to farsang...

"farsang" being the word for the February/March carnivals, the noisy balls to forget that there is snowy cold out there with spring seemingly very distant dream. Next Friday - our pensioners'club theatre outing afternoon - also the time when in Pécs there will be
"Busó" - Serbian, Bulgarian and other folky frightening masks and noise to disturb and excite downtown.
Besides our lively old ladies in the newly resuscitated club, there is no such revelry in our village yet... but they do their best, we had champaign and gigantic birthday cake for Ica not to mention the lovely sandwiches - which here mean an open type with ham, boiled egg, pickles and grated cheese, lovely. The delegation of jobs organising stuff is not easy as most ladies are not in the best health. Still, I managed to pass on the birthday present buying task for the next party...
Alan is back and into his several projects, such as connecting the Savonius (see picture) to a working generator. He managed to get out some voltage... he promised to explain all that himself, very soon.
He is also getting a lot of painting and repairing done.
I had a few days of down with a cold - enjoyed most of it minus the headache - with all the books Alan brought back from England.
other pics show Pécs fresh food market, the club birthday do and the Southern Black Racer snakes Martin caught last weekend on the camera in the Paynes Prairie National Park, near Gainesville, Florida - where we with Alan also saw fantastic wildlife and beautiful trees... did it really happen??