
re-settled in Hungary from Rochdale, Lancs, England, and into a little village, doing a bit of greenish farming hoping for a quiet life... but stuff just happens...

Saturday, November 29, 2008

more pic plus fab Vujisics + Sebestyén Márta concert

We had some fun finding the venue (Pécs people totally puzzled about
some fools who have no idea where the old Park cinema used to be
ten+ years ago...) anyway, after beer and hot punch in Murphy's
we managed to locate the place, and it was just a wonderful concert.
Sebestyen Marta was much more than my presumed very Hungarian stuff, she was
singing croatian nearly all the way, and she so much enjoys it, and she's so funny
and good... and of course the old Vujisics lot are all brilliant musicians.
The place was absolutely full, with extra chairs dragged in - it was avery good atmosphere, too. Anyways, I put our first mobile-made photo about it - not a very good one, I only put it on because I can. The rest are more pics from UK,
the meal at the hinch cliff, Alan in Intercity dining car, xmas decor on Manchester Piccadilly Gardens, sms's stew...

Thursday, November 27, 2008

back again

Back from the foggy, windy and very cold Albion. We’ve seen everybody I think;
Alan was real lucky, as his uni chums just had the 10th year re-union on the Saturday
after our arrival, so there were happy jumping up and downs in the Lass-n-Gowrie…
Had nice stews made by sms and Adele’s Andrew; had Muriel’s majestic meat and potato pie, Chinese with Geoff and Carole, Indian in the Rusholm curry-mile in our romantic twosome, and Szonya cooked a lovely three-course on the last Sunday…
So we are not what you call, thinner, than we were previously, though due to all the rushing about we didn’t put on as much weight as we might have…
We were living like royalty at Dad’s, really comfortably. Even managed to watch some telly, BBC2 is still good.
We found everything more or less in order at home – someone disconnected the electric fence and re-connected the wrong way, so there was no fence as such for some time, considering that, there was no damage, just a few fence-post turned over as the goats were eating up Nora’s fallen fruit from previously forbidden bits…
No they have to re-learn some fence-rules… But they look well and fat – they were a bit overfed, just as the cats… All of Europe was white from above – but we got back to a snow-less Kiskassa, had some rain yesterday, but glorious sunshine today.
Alan weatherproofed some of the wood-bits on the Savonius.
I witnessed my first council-meeting yesterday, and left in a rather upset and therefore abrupt manner – our councillors are to busy to concentrate on some petty personal grudges to see the interest of the whole community, and to my disappointment they managed to drag down the otherwise intelligent and decent mayor into this miasma and he just totally given up on the idea for these people to work together… What can I do??
The pictures are the first selection – the blog site decides on the sequence of them, so do your bit of guessing – Muriel and her meat and potato pie, traditional terraces
In Rosehill, Rossendale, Lancashire, Landscape of the Lass –n- Gowrie books and games galore; the Chinese feast; Di and me in their local, with musical very white and very friendly beast, for starters…

Sunday, November 09, 2008


I doubt if there will be time for more blogging
before leaving (tuesday) as tons to do yet.
Maddish goat left the premises, so we are leaving 5
happy looking ones to Annas care, try not to worry...
Billy might stay until we get back.

Had a pleasant night out with Pali and Erika, landlords of
the Ujpetre Dark Dog. They have taken us first in their place where
we had a nice chickenpörkölt, then we were off to play ten pin balling
thus the pictures of happy Alan, bad habiting Erika, others didn't come out so
well especially the one Alan took of me from the back while balling, awful
for some reason...

so see you after the 24th sometimes!

Thursday, November 06, 2008

more balmy days barmy goat and well done Obama, now don't let them bully you into sellout like everybody else

Upto unseasonly 25C+ during the day, who's commplaining.

Obama won, yes, very pleasant surprise from the USian; have to admit to low
expectations on my part, even though I prefer to be an optimist; I allow
again this later one to dominate...

The goat in question - the other guest besides the billy, here to get pregnated -
showing decidedly non-nannyish tendencies, such as jumping the other goats and butting the very surprised billy. Also she(?) is smelly. Hm, one confused goat. We have to periodically lock it up so business can progress as it should. With a bit of luck it'll still "catch" and with that those hormones may settle down...

Have been to see greek folk mucic "Sirtos" in the Dominikánus house, where we previously have seen all the other good stuff. Again they were musicians from Budapest, the band leader was greek. Entertaining evening, with
dance at the end, joined in by the audience - looked very much like kolo.
Made picture of the nice ceiling of the concert hall and one of the enamals displayed, a dragon, the work of a local craft circle.

The yellow flower bunch getting more and more impressive. Still have some raspberries on the sole functioning plant. We have goji berries! Look pretty, but probably not ripe, as it tastes awful.

And yes, dear chronogard whoever you are, the rotor is still turning happily,
even after Alan attached the next bit, some sort of gearing to drive something.

we more or less stopped milking - getting ready for the trip back to the good old
Albion. Oh, and 6 more pigs became ex, tons more meat for us, (kept a pack of proper "disznótoros" tastings for pre xmas, frozen) so not our fault that we put on some weight in recent months... (4 more very large pigs left to their grizzly
destiny next week.) Geese started to go the same way - Marton day (11th November) is a traditional day for goose eating appearently.