back again
Back from the foggy, windy and very cold Albion. We’ve seen everybody I think;
Alan was real lucky, as his uni chums just had the 10th year re-union on the Saturday
after our arrival, so there were happy jumping up and downs in the Lass-n-Gowrie…
Had nice stews made by sms and Adele’s Andrew; had Muriel’s majestic meat and potato pie, Chinese with Geoff and Carole, Indian in the Rusholm curry-mile in our romantic twosome, and Szonya cooked a lovely three-course on the last Sunday…
So we are not what you call, thinner, than we were previously, though due to all the rushing about we didn’t put on as much weight as we might have…
We were living like royalty at Dad’s, really comfortably. Even managed to watch some telly, BBC2 is still good.
We found everything more or less in order at home – someone disconnected the electric fence and re-connected the wrong way, so there was no fence as such for some time, considering that, there was no damage, just a few fence-post turned over as the goats were eating up Nora’s fallen fruit from previously forbidden bits…
No they have to re-learn some fence-rules… But they look well and fat – they were a bit overfed, just as the cats… All of Europe was white from above – but we got back to a snow-less Kiskassa, had some rain yesterday, but glorious sunshine today.
Alan weatherproofed some of the wood-bits on the Savonius.
I witnessed my first council-meeting yesterday, and left in a rather upset and therefore abrupt manner – our councillors are to busy to concentrate on some petty personal grudges to see the interest of the whole community, and to my disappointment they managed to drag down the otherwise intelligent and decent mayor into this miasma and he just totally given up on the idea for these people to work together… What can I do??
The pictures are the first selection – the blog site decides on the sequence of them, so do your bit of guessing – Muriel and her meat and potato pie, traditional terraces
In Rosehill, Rossendale, Lancashire, Landscape of the Lass –n- Gowrie books and games galore; the Chinese feast; Di and me in their local, with musical very white and very friendly beast, for starters…
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