the village has a pub again!!
All seem to think it wont last, but we keep our fingers crossed for
the sympathetic new landlord, (the one with the glasses on the picture) who - if the gossip has got it right - dont have to pay any rent... Alan checked out the place, and the pleasant surprise is, that beer was cheaper than when the pub closed down...
The other good piece of news is, that Magdi's house was bought by a couple,
one of them is a physiotherapist, who will also practice in the village.
Magdi says, they are nice people like us...
But going back to the pub, it could benefit from a bit of cheering up decor, see pictures...
Otherwise average days; Alan planted the mushroom spores we found -
in buckets of hopefully mature enough manure put in the cellar. And he started to make a wicker hurdle, but alas, not enough willows, as it turned out.
It was a lovely sunny day, we walked to the little sort of "everything for a pound " sale that comes to the village every few weeks. Got a new collinder, the little chinese balm, still no sign of the little self-generating torches. As Alan walked back from the pub later in the day, he had a chance to make a picture of me behaving like a proper pensioner should much more often preferebly,
sitting comfortably with cats, reading, enjoying the last of the autumn afternoon sun...