sun dried tomatoes

nice title to cheer me up, as we have proper English weather, cold and damp, though we did have a few intervals of sunshine, when the temperature gone to 17C.
We forgot about the tomatoes drying in Alan's solar fruit-drier, have the feeling
they are not supposed to be quite this hard and little... but, I'll search for
some applications... the picture shows them in the jar where I put them, after sorting - some had a bit of mold when we forgot to close the slash at night to stop the dew getting in... so the drier is working, just that we haven't got into the habit of using it properly... next year...
the other picture just shows the plants in front of the
main entrance door, the goji plant looks more impressive in reality, with lots of small blue flowers, but no "life-enhancing" berries yet. We sort of enjoy the peace and quiet, the last hostelguests arrived and gone - they were just one-nighters, but nice cheese-loving people; a couple from Italy, but in fact Russian-Serbian, and a guy from Boston, US. I think we won't have much more bookings this year - a wwoofer couple is coming for a few days next week; as they contribute for the heating of their room, they'll be sort of semi-wwoofer-guests, from the US.
Alan collected all the kohlrabis, red cabbages and spring cabbages, ready to start
to work the soil for next year - we might let Anna's geese etc to have a go over, they are good at pulling out the roots of weeds allegedly - but Jozsi and Jani bacsi stopped him pulling up the tomato/paprika/aubragine plants, they reckon more good weather and more stuff to get to mature... but where will I put them?? Both freezers can be pronounced full. Still more goes in than out. My constant nightmare is a meltdown - Alan is getting initially a conventional generator, but the idea is to
run it eventually by alternative ways...
oh, and the third picture is from my holidays; Eszter e-mailed it; made in Gibraltar, of course. And Ronda. Yes, I was there, honest...
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