
re-settled in Hungary from Rochdale, Lancs, England, and into a little village, doing a bit of greenish farming hoping for a quiet life... but stuff just happens...

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Birthday boat

Great 30th do for our Szonya, unbelievably lovely spot with the view of the Parliament, Big Ben and the London Eye, looking like a shiny tower from this angle.
We’ve seen a heron near the boat, and the tide came in during the merriment!
Had a lovely dance about, too, music just right. And ‘seen Marc, and granddad and Murial and Carole and friends of Szonya.
We are back now and all is well, Józsi, Margit and Szabi looked after things.
Gave a bit too much food to beasts, but otherwise all is well –except for the extraordinarily hot weather which is forecast to stay. As it is, the sweet corn and sunflower on the upper field is half the size than last year. But the tomatoes and paprikas are lovely in the polytunnel… and the lower field of corn and sunflower at Bill’s doing fine. And the lucerne is green. Still, we’ll see…
Thanks very much for unnamed birthday gift giver – I think it was Martin??
for the little miss sunshine dvd, lovely surprise to come home to. xxx

Sunday, July 08, 2007

A little summer evening music

Young gap-year wwoofers Daniel and Julian bring even more culture for Kiskassa,
Their gentle jazzy guitar and violin fit well the swarm summer evening.
here jamming with the local didgeridoo maker-cum-player, Szabi, Jani bacsi is entertained… probably no time for more blog until back from Szonya's bday do from London next weekend.

Thursday, July 05, 2007


just to show the renovated wardrobe (the one we found in the workshop) and the goats as they are now (a special to Carole). A bit of a blow, appearantly Alan is allergic to sunlight, which makes sense he's being from Manchester, but makes this attempt at ecofarming even more challenging...

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Bill's digs (part2)

So first the promised picture of Molly Than Bill's cannon ball. First he found that very much looks like a Turkish war tool, second a nice shaped iron axe-head. And he never even got a metal-detector. We have to ask an expert yet...

party! (two bits published today)

Yes, I had a birthday party, about time, as it’s always Alan who gets one
on New Year’s Eve, as he’s a New Year’s baby. But this time it was me, on Friday 29th June, when I became a proud 2x28. We had about 25 people tops, kicked off at 5 with Bill finishing his gulyas on his brand new tripod bogrács, and Szalai Józsi doing a fantastic job of roasting one of the potbellies. Not the flash one piece job, but still looking pretty. Pictures show the bogrács, the food including the pork-pieces, the night time crowd with church/moon, and separately as the blog can’t take 4 pictures - Molly – our super wwoofer, sadly leaving tomorrow – doing a good job milking Clover. Meanwhile we collected and processed greenbeans, collected from Nora’s fallen apples and pears and a few good plateful of raspberries. Other things seemed to have happened but I can’t remember what they were…