
re-settled in Hungary from Rochdale, Lancs, England, and into a little village, doing a bit of greenish farming hoping for a quiet life... but stuff just happens...

Sunday, July 01, 2007

party! (two bits published today)

Yes, I had a birthday party, about time, as it’s always Alan who gets one
on New Year’s Eve, as he’s a New Year’s baby. But this time it was me, on Friday 29th June, when I became a proud 2x28. We had about 25 people tops, kicked off at 5 with Bill finishing his gulyas on his brand new tripod bogrács, and Szalai Józsi doing a fantastic job of roasting one of the potbellies. Not the flash one piece job, but still looking pretty. Pictures show the bogrács, the food including the pork-pieces, the night time crowd with church/moon, and separately as the blog can’t take 4 pictures - Molly – our super wwoofer, sadly leaving tomorrow – doing a good job milking Clover. Meanwhile we collected and processed greenbeans, collected from Nora’s fallen apples and pears and a few good plateful of raspberries. Other things seemed to have happened but I can’t remember what they were…


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