Yes, hens get up with the sun, like other birds, and if they are
let out in that unfriendly hour, they lay loads more eggs.
So, that’s why my fellow villagers greet me with “jó napot!” (=good day)
to my sleepy “Jó reggelt!” (=good morning) even if I magage to make it to the shop
before 7…
The picture should say: the future… we were given this big piece of cured ham,
Never handled one like this, it was quite a puzzle where to start, and what to do thereafter… we hanged (hung?) it back on it’s nail in the larder for the time being.
Should have made a glorious photo of our brave and belly-dancers (but naturally, I forgot to take the camera with me).
They (3 of them with beautiful tingling attire) demonstrated their skill today at the tea-house get-together. Well, next time…
I decided to have a go, it’s far more entertaining than aerobic, and at least as sporty.
Timea, our qualified village belly-dance teacher, plays more tribal , original music from Egypt, than the stuff I am familiar with, but it’s ok.
There was a bit of competition between the English speakers trying out their Hungarian language skills, and the more reluctant or shy Hungarian students warming up slowly to speak their English… And I am being proud of both lot, as I am their teacher… The English tea and biscuits went down well, as per usual, but we had some additional nice cakes on offer.
The vet came out to see Clary, who’s got some discharge, and for piglets, that needed
worming. We did notice, that their tails were not curling in the expected fashion,
and that meant something was amiss! All patients had their medication via injections,
with minimal amount of chasing about…
The weeds had a tremendous comeback since the rain, we do need those wwoofers –
None expected until the 18th, due to our cautious approach this year. The freezer is still full, we’d better get eaten all them peas, carrots, sorrel, spinach, etc, etc…
I am off to Budapest to see my mum and dad for a few days, so Alan and mate Steve who is visiting from England, can enjoy a bit of peace and quiet…(Eva)