not much...
not a lot happened really... Winter and Dag collected loads of hay from
a neighbouring field, that was donated to us, they also did amazing amount of corn and sunflower weeding, and we had a very serious storm with a useful amount of rain and no damage this afternoon. Tomorrow it's outing to Pécs, we'll hunt for aubragine plants - they just wouldn't grow from seeds - have a bit of shopping other stuff at the market, hand hang out, Alan will play pool and come home later, while I'll try to get those hopefully obtained plants home on the 2 o'clock bus. We got a letter from Carolyn!!! Now we should really answer it- meanwhile we hope you read this Carolyn!! We are pleased you are back on some normalcy, and that overall you are still happy about the hungarian experience... if I understood correctly...
We wish you further recuperation and strenghening!
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