let the pictures speak... so much seems to happening with overflowing wwoofers, overflowing produce and new house owners (here in Kiskassa and in Pusztakisfalu, North of Pécs) arriving from England, and floor warnish that wouldn't dry. We've been sleeping in "the other" house now for 3 days amidst tools, piles of furniture and so on, but still, it feels like progress. Tons of beetroots, carrots, sweetcorn, beans, kohlrabis, spinach, and other stuff are getting eaten and processed by the nice and diligent hoard of the abovementioned wwoofers; some outside wallscraping and "gletting" is getting done on "the other" house, while the weather turned cool for a change with quite a lot of rain. So we have a "farmhouse kitchen" picture, a relaxing wwoofer (Elke from Germany) and goat on the roof... don't ask... (Éva)
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