well, long time no see, sorry
wasn't too busy, just not in blogging mood - not farming... big news - we are grandparents, sorry this space has to get to know Sydney Ruth, as she is, of couse, the most beautiful baby even if it happened in far away Toronto. also, can't work out how to put huawei photos on pc directly from mobile like I could from the samsung... so unless I start again reporting village life, this will be less picturesque, as I am painfully aware that people get fed up sooner with baby photos than the particular grandparent. in a nutshell - since other house sold this place a bit jungle-ish, but managed due to Alan's persistence to produce tomatoes, lettuces, the sorrel, raspberry and figs insist doing their things anyway, while the grapes made up a nice cover to the front of the remainer house. Oh. We spent some money on the stables, so that we still have guestroom, even if before the heating season, and far from finished, ceiling is a success, the floor less so, tons to do. In a leasurely fashion, sometimes next year. Off to grandads and Toronto, grandad is not so good, will need to find decent carehome pronto. Maybe I'll start to report from Toronto...