hm.. an other month passed by... Alan had a short visit to dad, I went to stay with Jutka. Both went well, Alan fell in love with Manchester, I built a trusting relationship with fantastic Dorka, who calls me Éa. Hm... Getting ready to go, while enjoying a nice indian summer - tomorrow it supposed to drop 10 degrees and go horrid... but today I picked sorrel, figs and raspberries...
I also seen some films while in Budapest; The Jupiter's moon (didn't like much) Welcome in Germany (quite liked) and the entertaining commercial queen Judy Dench with the indian servant fling thing. Also tennised quite a bit.
pics show some I might have forgotten to put on before, plus a couple of nice houses I liked the look of in Pecs, plus the Finn festival, demonstrating the game for which we have the bits left by some finn wwoofers, but were not aware of the rules - uptil now. It'll come with us to Greece! oh, and that's Marta's grand-daughter with the lion... they grow up so fast...
Getting ready for the big snow-bird trip to Aghios Andreas; car was fettled for tons of moneys, I had been checked out as blood pressure gone to new heights - without having any effect on my feeling ok, have to take tons more pills, but was told that Greece should do good... so long - maybe next time from Greece...