so Alan is either doing garden - he ploughed and managed to more or less fill the lion-trap, or argues with people on the face-book Corbyn forum, getting stressed continuously from all the rubbish. I was a bit of a coach potato lately, between reading, doing my present Futurelearn course, which is actually very good and allows me to have a few decent debates, and the Lead Educator likes everything I contribute! This what it's called: Discovering Socially Engaged Art in Contemporary China City University of Hong Kong
and it is showing projects involving immigrant workers - millions of whom actually made all the present wealth of the recent middle and oligarch class there, a lot of interesting stuff. Népszava still printing my letters, and there are a lot of them, as in nearly every issue something makes me angry enough to write... it seems there are a few of us frequent letter writers, but as per usual, I am the only proper socialist leftwinger, all the others are too busy with telling us how bad the present regime is, like if we didn't know... or about the silly wrangling of the so called opposition, with no policies to discuss. i get no response at all to my letters, except a private sulking e-mail from Friss Robert when I criticized a tiny bit one of his articles...
We have now only 9 chickens left, but they are laying nicely, got about 120 eggs... Bonzo looks good and healthy, even a bit fat and is very happy about been alowed in front, he sleeps at the front door. I got my new notebook kisbordo replacing heroic 6 years old kifli that started to have very green monitor. Got it from Siklós, where they loaded on the same set up. I love it, though it froze up a few times and the people couldn't work out why, see how it goes. Alan is due for his annual heart control tests next week, keeping our fingers crossed. We'll have our big wedding ani (44!!) eating out then, we were too busy this week. Alan is also making a sgooti box and bought a bass guitar we have to haul back from England. As for plans: we are going for a Budapest Snooker gala next weekend and flying to see grandad and get his bday celebrated, and spend 10 days, going on the 24th. We booked Aghios Andreas again for next winter. I put in fotos i forgot about last time. After all these years we visited P;csett a Vasvári ház. Oh, Jutka and a friend of hers stayed for the weekend. The other house was not rented out thanksfully, so friends and relations can stay there.