Dodi's kite (which was flying after our outside table-tennis session was disrupted by strong wind); Kiskassa fitness room (inside table tennis) ; front flowers, our new dinky bbq not yet tried, waiting for Drew; weird Black-Forest ham or bacon bit we were given by the German lady who materialised yesterday and took no for an answer and stayed (very happily) in not-cleaned and freezing cold guest house and is coming back again next week; the updated spring front view, the little flower insisting growing from stone. Some supermarket items (british marmalade flavoured yoghurt) ; And whatever I've forgotten. Dilemma: are we going to the Kiskassa May-Day do with free food, drink and table tennis competition, and cover if the prognosticated rains come, or are we going to the first ever Pecsdevecser lake-side pick-nick, with our own food and getting wet... Well, I think we have to decide on the day. Also in a small Siklos butique we bought daddy a suit and me a nice suit-jacket, so we can be elegant, if we really really want to. All Hungarian made, as we found out to our surprise, we were sure it must have been Chinese for the price. I like little shops like that where you are the centre of attention of the sole owner, who's

dying of boredom anyway.