so I had my
50th elementary (upto 14 in Hungary)
school reunion, organised by the 75 year old art teacher, who was rather young and cute all that long ago, now retired and seem to have this nice hobby of organising these reunions of the old school on what used to be Martirok Utja. Anyways, it was fascinating seeing people I saw last time when I was 14... I did recognise about 5 out of the cca 15 there (out of 32, not bad) but nobody recognised me... They remembered me with black curls and glasses...
But when I told them who I was they seemed all happy to see me, even Bechtel Ildiko, who I remembered having a fight with. Well, we nearly had another one, as she is now a jobbik-type of person, while Cseh Zsuzsa, who used to be my friend (not best as they were not going to the same school) fervently agreed with my stand... so it was weird but ok, I am glad it happened.
While I was up there in Budapest,
MigrationAid - found us and installed helpers and a store of food/clothes/other useful things for refugees in the other house, and very busy times began. Alan counted up 13 nationalities - changing over every 3 days more or less. We do whatever we can, managed to feed them a few times, they don't have hot food otherwise much. Croatian buses are taking refugees to Beremend/Magyarboly, where they are put on trains and taken to the Austrian boarder. In between there is chaos, nastiness (like locking up 5-600 people on a train with full-of-shit toilets to start with, until the trains fills up to 1000 people, that can take more than 5 hours, then the same train goes for another 5-8 hours to its destination.) There was a hectic day trying to get this info out, so they get a clean train - hopefully it worked after a day of the police -or anyone - not telling the helpers what is happening and making the boarder stations into military zones, where helpers were not allowed, with the Hungarian Red Cross that did bugger all for 2 months, having been the only one there and they not helping the people, anyway, it is a long story, it seems, that now the transporting of the refugees is going on incredibly speedily, with every 3/4 hours a train leaving, so our young people here are going on without sleeping, making up help-packs and giving them out continuously. Very glad to know there are so many nice people, too.
meanwhile Alan got himself an electric guitar, and have I mentioned our wonderful new bed? And started a new Futurelearn course, Logical and critical thinking. The beautiful indian summer returned with chilly nights, so we still have garden stuff, including figs and raspberry. And Corbyn is the labour leader, so there are some good stuff. Alan is off to see his dad from Thursday, I stay here, he returns on the 19th.
Also aunty Edit has another exhibition openned in downtown Budapest. Some other stuff happened, too, but I cannot remember what, with all this stuff. Attached the invitation "cicavizio"
also Alan made two sunny fotos that doesn't look autumny at all, plus the new guitar with Eric.