processing times

re-settled in Hungary from Rochdale, Lancs, England, and into a little village, doing a bit of greenish farming hoping for a quiet life... but stuff just happens...
yes, about the weather. Had horrid worst ever hail storm about 10 days ago - half-inch diameter ice pieces coming down heavily for more than 15 minutes. Luckily we picked the last lot of apricots the day before. From the giant Canadian lettuces the middle bit was left to use. It turned out that the few sweet-corn happily grown to normal size without leaves. Got eaten yesterday. The wine grapes gone funny, the eating ones and the raspberries are ok, most things recovered, though I'm not sure that there is time for marrows and cukes to grow again. There are some greengage - first time properly, the few that was not damaged. The figs are however going in a big way - wonder what to do with them, only so much one can eat, and we haven't touched the jam and compote I made last year... so now we have a bit of storm and rain every evening, a bit heavy before, but fairly fresh after, not too hot, 32C during the day, down to 20C at night. Oh, the carrots. Don't mention carrots. Tons of them still to process, even though it seems as I've been doing them forever. Animals all ok, little rabbits are getting bigger, ducks ditto, and one of the mummy-ducks is sitting on eggs again. Geese are nasty, sheep are sheepish, Bonzo getting fat. And we got Eric, the new cat that chosen us. Needs to get done if we are serious about this. Done fleaing and worming so far. Very affectionate and frightened of the storms and incredibly lazy. Tabby.We had the village saint's day (Anna) the Búcsú, we had a German youth choir down for the program from the Pécs Canta festival. We had Ida and Dotti visiting from Denmark - they were hostelguests a few years ago and stayed friends on facebook. Entertainig few days, and they made cake, too. Also had Jutka and Hani for 5 days - they both behaved well, so that was pleasant, too. My (lack of) big toe nail healed ok, not very pretty. Jenő and Guni took us to a Kassai Lajos horse - farm place. The area very pretty, the horsey show was a bit tedious (Kaposmérő) but we had an adventure with the waterbuffalo - that large black beast decided to play silly buggers and chased us a bit. Alan will enjoy to tell you the details in person... The gray cattle left us alone and we did not meet the wilde pigs... The meal in the Kassai restaurant was very pleasant. There were probably other stuff happening - but I was not making notes... the photos show a Canadian lettuce pre-hail, the apple tree that seem to be dying since the hail, the danish girls with the cake, beetroot in mid=process. Should have made one of the beautiful new bench and flower boxes the council gives away to all who promise to look after them. They are in front of no 71, and look rather good. Next time. I started another Futurelearn course, Childhood in the digital age.