It was a phantom-rabbit-pregnancy, however -
judge from the fotos and take bets - the sheep might be, as both have big bellies even after their wintercoats gone; Lulo came over and did them with his new electric sheerer. It would be lovely if new-born(s) would appear before next weekend - Jutka and Hani are due for a visit, also nice to have lambs for the village toddlers Easter egg collection. We usually get the little kids, the older ones have a more challenging terrain. Tuesday Alan had the
tread-mill test ("terhelés" I don't know the English equivalent) had to walk then hurry then run while his heart activity was monitored. He did excellently! His specialist was pleased, no intervention necessary, though has to continue with all the medicines except one. We are continuing with the
table-tennis whenever the unlocking of the fitness room is remembered by the relevant well-muscled village youth. Alan turned over all the garden and the planting is going well, we could do with some rain. Hippo had the trouble fuel pipe replaced and the roo-bars were put back with the extra spotlights. So we are in a positive mood at present in spite of the relentlessly
mad sad and bad world that includes parliamentary elections here in Hungary, which is likely to see the present semi-fascist Fidesz win, openly or overtly aligned with the proper fascist Jobbik as the opposition is so pitifully growth/market/cuts oriented, that voting for them is really really difficult, I am not even convinced of their anti-fascist credentials, the way they had set up the prison-camps for asylum seekers when in power, is not promising. Still, I got good books, got good music - some dvd-s though the new ones were a disappointment so far,
Breaking Bad did not work, I suspect some weird UV or what feature messed it up for the TV as well as the PC, and Outnumbered first episode annoyed us no end - we belong to the old school of parenting, never mind... the fotos show mostly the sheep being de-fleeced and after, so that you can have a good look if they are pregs, and general early spring vistas, with the flowering cherry trees. the Siberian plant that maybe does something this year,