tentative flowering - but most trees are still bare. But we had a few gorgeous days, so who am I to complain. We got our little chicks and
ducklings growing by the minute, though they look a bit tatty on the photo for some reason. We had the village poetry day, little kids were very good, and I wasn't bad either, (I recited József Attila's Thomas Mann's Greeting, I hope I managed to smuggle in a bit of anti-fascist education) got my special praise from the jury and a book of
poetry specially meant for me...
Wwoofer Bogdan made it to his next place, again by hitch-hike, to Croatia. Alan has been very busy, managed to plow the upper field, but something fallen off again the little
tractor, so he's waiting for some welding before doing down here, but you could read in the papers - because of this slow spring, farmers have to do two months' work in one... and we are getting about 2 liters milk per day, cheese/kőrözött making is getting into a stride.
Szonya and Drew arrived today for a
working week, we try to provide the peace and quiet they need as much as possible, but when they are not working on that book and research papers, they do a bit of wwoofing, they already planted a few stuff we bought on the big Pécs market to give us some even earlier salad stuff, though I am proud to say, we have lettuces under Alan's special manure-heated glass covered beds.
You can see Bogdan spreading muck, the lame duckling we thought could have grown a very fat duck as it wasn't running a lot, but sadly after 4 day effort on both our parts it died; my new mat, cattoo and some other, as I am now seem to be able to put on more than 5 photos, I can't remember them all... oh, the goose eggs now are in the incubator with more chicken eggs, keep your fingers crossed for little goslings.