so we did have the sun out, which I'm sure the goats approved of, too. We are taking them up the field every morning, Hannibal and Cassandra are tied, which more or less ensures that they do not jump fences to the neighbours. The electric fence battery is charged via a solar thing, so at the moment the system is down. The Sheep is back, keep your fingers crossed for little sheep.
The mayor resigned. Not publicly, I only got to know about it because we had a meeting with the chief administrator of the Ujpetre office, where all the 3 other surrounding villages belong. And she told us. We had this committee meeting about the grant application of this company, that paid more than 12million in car registration tax to the village, but had the right - apparently to claim 40% of it back - doing useful things in the village. Well, the useful thing will be a concreted and fenced depot area - which will mess up the view of the village. I failed, not checking the law and the minutes of that meeting - I am sure I told them to put in the condition of application that the village view cannot be compromised. Well, we'll see what happens. It is a big firm with lots of trucks - that's why they could pay us so much tax...
Anyway, I am glad the mayor is disappearing in the mist, but what next? I can't see anyone decent surfacing. Tried to convince Nora, the minority council activist to stand, but she wouldn't. Well, maybe there will be a last minute new face - we were lucky that way the last few times - up to a point...
We checked up with Tibi the ping-pong tables,and he promised to fix them during the holidays. Still no bats and stuff - the deputy really promised this time - but hasn't delivered again, so I have to figure out how and where one find decent sport stuff myself.
We wouldn't have had time with sis, we were too busy looking round again at the Croation market, and other shoppy places.
Jenny - it is really nice to hear from you, thank you for the compliments - please send me your e-mail address again , because I can't find it
Had the Santa do for the children of the village, and while the clown did his bit, 2 of the present bags of sweets were stolen. I think it was an over 14 kid, who felt bitter about not getting any... Still - a nasty crime in anybody's book... the village is appalled.
Pali's newest quotable: he couldn't come today because his van was glued in the mood...
(= stuck in the mud)
Pictures show the first ever sauerkraut we made - we were so frightened to look at it, that we had left it for 2 months on its own to do its thing - and it turned out ok! Just had to skim the top, and it is good! I bottled 8, I haven't he foggiest how it keeps, but one would think it did all the maturing there is to do, and it is salted after all.
the others just made while walking the goats/geese/sheep up the hill, and the winter clothes of the fig trees.