
re-settled in Hungary from Rochdale, Lancs, England, and into a little village, doing a bit of greenish farming hoping for a quiet life... but stuff just happens...

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

crisis comment

do we want another global war - that is the usual solution of capitalism for global crisis.
How come more people cannot see this? I just can't comprehend this uncomprehension, I am not -that- clever, yet it is so evident...
The local "left" "liberal" daily seems nowdays doing nothing else but trying to convince people about TINA in every bloody article, just because the Demagogue of the Day realised that anti-capitalist slogans Can be Popular (though what he does in practice is the panicky defending and cushioning the 1%)...

Eva exasperated and making the wine-cellar into a refuge...

Thursday, November 17, 2011

long winter?

shouldn't complain, as it is rather nice during the day, but so flippin' cold in the mornings, and the winter seems very long... Water is frozen in the ducks' basin in the mornings, water has to be turned off at outside taps, lucky Alan's contraption pulling out water from the rain-collector, works well; I think we forgot to mention this thing.
We having the little stove on in the little kitchen, which is nice.
Gus is still not sorted - the very thin wires for that radio control snap very easily, that's the snag.

The pensioners day went well, the food was good, it was hard work, as was the singing clown...
Apparently the number of the guests were the same as usual, some old people just doesn't like these communal things. There were about 60 people.

Eva the shop keeper took me a Koncz Zsuzsa koncert, that was really above my expectation. This singer of my youth - must be quite near to 70 - was moving and singing, as before, and the old songs were great, and the new ones weren't bad at all. Also she was political to my liking - she was always giving the impression of being the intelligent one...The concert was in the fairly new Expo Centre in Pécs, where I haven't been yet.

We managed to put the furniture we dragged down here to good use, the computer room is rejuvenated, see picture! There is even a sleeping place for Szonya ('tis a bit small...)

well, that's all for today, we've been to town and I'm a bit necked. Photos show newly done room, the pensioners and the a living room vista with papi's lamp.

Friday, November 04, 2011

more moves

Well, as I'm typing into Kifli here, a second lot of furniture and tid-bits are being moved here from my mum's flat in Budapest, which was miraculously very quickly sold (if all is well...) via Pali's pick-up. Stuff we don't really need, but it is a heartache to give up. So the next job is finding home for everything - won't be easy, though of course, Alan has his plans in the ready...

We started the Dogs Do As Told Scheme; a few weeks ago, when Jutka took us to Pécs market, we found an interesting looking device, which with the help of a special collar and wall unit emitting radio-waves, gives electric impulse noises as well a bit of a pain (Sorry Gus) so that at last we thought to be able to free the dogs from continuous chain-up, which is even more pain for everyone concerned. Well, so far so good - to our (and Gus's) immense surprise, the system works, sometimes too well, Gus must be a basically relaxed dog not becoming a nervous wreck during the period of learning the whereabouts of his new invisible fences. Presently to be safe, he's staying in the goré where the milking stand is, and I am not encouraging further lesson until Alan is back.

We had a visitor yesterday, Ders, a Hungarian young man from Pecs, who entertains thoughts of becoming a self-sufficient person, and is in the process of making up his mind, how. He had the tour and a chat, he offered to come down, whenever we needed some day-help, which is nice.

The newsletter is ready to be printed, and the organisation of the big communal meal for Pensioners Day next week seems to be all under control.
From local to global - advice to Greece...

We had a few beautiful days with cold nights , a day of unusual pea-soup fog, and the autumn colours make the views spectacular.

It is pumpkin season - there aren't many, and not as sweet as last year, but the soup is nice anyway, and the roast is not that bad.

Photos show Ermintrud in the milking stand, Same corner with Gus in his new location and the bio-briquette maker in the background, the pile of wood, autumn green veggies and the half-winterish figs.