Monday, December 29, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
xmas past -
- nearly, tomorrow Szonya and Alan are due tp leave for Budapest,
rest following on the 30th. Alan has a cold and the resulting
miserableness - he's not a good patient...
We had a nice, relaxed, enjoyable time as seem to be the pattern for xmas
minus the logistics.
The fishsoup was lovely, though it turned out to be an enourmous portion as Jozsi
didn't want to share it afterall, so tons got frozen.
The goose was well liked by everybody except me - I found it chooey
and the cold meat is not butiable or otherwise usable, like turkey.
so it'll be back to our old ways next time...
It was actually snowing xmas morning and most of the day, but it was
too warm for it to stick. Now (27th) it is cold enough with -1 ish,
but it is quite clear, often sunny. Youngsters went for a walk to Ujpetre,
thus the time to blog... Pictures show the telehaz, Jozsi's honey-cakes,
our fishsoup, Martin's kalacs, I see how much one can stick on the blog these days.
best wishes and stuff.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
xmas coming...
had sudden trip to Budapest on the 12th, my dad was taken to hospital,
and I tried to be of help by sitting up/sleeping at my mum's.
The panic is over, it was a serious nosebleed, docs say it's lucky
that it didn't go the other way, they reckon a stroke has been averted.
Not an easy time, as my dad is not the world's best patients...
but eventually he was as comfortable as one can be in a hospital with a big
gauzy thing in front of the nose... but his bloodpressure now
settled to a good figure and has he been home now for nearly a week,
I came home on tuesday,16th. There is a railway strike - dead annoying;
there is no sympathy for this one Fidesz-supported union.
On tuesday I managed to get an extra accidentally caught coach that went
directly to Pecs, but information is scarse so I keep skeptical fingers crossed for Szonya and Martin, who are flying today and catching those
random coaches tomorrow and the day after.
We've got fish - the 3.5kg carp was still jumping while I carried it
from Pecs market to Józsi's for processing maneuvers.
We've got xmas tree, too, looks a bit thin for the 4 types of szaloncukor,
but we always manage... the cake is baking as we speak, one picture shows
the kitchen table before that happened... the other picture shows Alan with
his at last, fixed front teeth, wonderful new crowns on the sides, too.
The lower middle bits will be done in January. Not cheap, but we are worth it!
Besides we probably should spend all our money before it goes funny in the bank...
So, happy hols for every dear and very much esteemed reader, and the world...
but should be in touch before that much waited better year...
Thursday, December 11, 2008
just more pics
nothing to report as such - I put on some
of Joel's pics. Lots of kopogós römi being played.
Chicken had been removed to their winter accommodation. No eggs,
not even Anna's hens are laying but managed to buy some amazing sized
ones from neighbour woman, who is also doing the markets like Anna.
(and we are being friendly now, there were some apologies...)
one of the pictures shows when Joel found some hunters skinning a wild boar on the yard of the pub.
Saturday, December 06, 2008
mild dark
yes, our Finn, Joel is very happy - so warm and is still not dark at 4pm!
We think it is rather dark and gray a lot, though we had a few hours nice sunshine today, as well as rain. Still, time for such inevetables as seeing the dentist -
Alan is having all the work done on the top before xmas - he might yet look like an USian! (I get mine done in January - with the second sessions with Alan)
we might as well spend our money on useful things such as teeth... not much to report,
we are cleaning, and beautifying... I even done the top of the units in the kitchen!
Picture shows new lot of wood chopped snd stacked, and goat having late afternoon nosh.