wild cat

Wild cat spotted! On the top field, Alan says it looked like the one we seen stuffed in the Siklós castle museum. (sorry, no picture. Next time…) He (Alan) was horse-manure spreading at the time. Rheinhard from Pécsdevecser gave us the stuff – he has horses – and shifted it (the shit) to our field with his giant tractor.
Alan spread it in two days, getting very fit and a wonky knee for a few days.
He also finished painting the entrance kitchen and started some
renovation work on the smoking kitchen which should become a self-contained apartment for wwoofers, or even for folk who willing to pay for staying there eventually. So my dear SO is having an unbecoming surge of energy… one felt obliged to go and do a bit of weeding and path-clearing… the English class steadying
now with about 6 serious students - hopefully. Next tea-house will be even more crowded, we expecting 4 English people as well as all those who turned out last time. Margaret’s biscuits are out of this world, and her cakes are too good for words…
Pictures show new shelves in living room and a “before” of the smoking room.
with the view from it. (Eva)