quiet birthday...

... we planned a posh nosh at the Aranykacsa in Pecs, but it was such a close and humid day this Monday, we decided to postpone... it may have something to do with Sundays marathon table tennis (me) and beer drinking with deep conversation about life, the universe and everything (?) (Alan)... I did surprise myself for being able to play quite intensively for 2 hours in hot conditions without stopping!
Meanwhile beetroots were pickled, carrots chopped and frozen, apricots picked and made into lekvar (smooth jam, not jelly!)
Our first apricots from the trees we planted; beautiful large fruits, lovely to eat. From the two trees we had about 6 kg, and to our surprise there is a third tree which had not quite as ripe or quite as large apricots, but still lovely and about 2kg now also picked. The grapes down here look fantastic - see pic.
There are giant marrows, courgettes and cucumbers several types, the first tomatoes were discovered... Alan is back into re-beautifying the garden doing heroic stuff, considering all the rain and mud we are still having. In fact for the last week we had some rain every day.
Pictures show besides the grapes, Clegg Hall, Alan made that picture on the walk along the canal with the kids while in England;
the apricots, the rhubarb, Alan in relax mode...
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