Yes, lived 8 playful years, was the source of much pleasure for guests and wwoofers and when he wasn't leaving us any way he could, he was a loving dog, with the only aggression shown to poor old Bonzo at times. So the sad fairly shaggy dog story:
just after a couple of days into the New Year, after a long period of being free and behaving good, he climbed out and only re-appeared after 2 days, muddy and limping. He had a bite in a front pow, after being washed and treated he seemed ok, we had to chain him again, of course. (he can climbe + jump all the fences, except when trying to get back in) But about a week later he started to pitifully howl day and night. It turned out that since New Years Eve there were 2 loose dogs around and Erika found their owners who were looking for them, from a neighbouring village, they run away when frightened of the fireworks on New Year Eve. They were duly caught and collected last Friday if I remember correctly. I assumed one of those were the object of Gus's longing, but he howled on still afterwards. So I got fed up and let him off the chain - Alan claims he did, probably, to make me feel better. We thought he has a runaabout looking for the now returned female, and will be back as usual, this time with no need for fighting. He duly disappeared after pretending being good for half hour. And that's when we'd seen him last alive.
Yesterday morning, as we started off for Pécs market with Erzsi and Tibi accompanying us, Gus's body was lying next to the gate. Didn't look hurt. No idea what happened, no sign of struggle, pain or poisoning. I think it was broken heart... We both feel awful and blame the vet who said there was no point de-sexing at the later times when he started his escapades - he was more than 3 years old then.
Anyway, here we are without Gus.

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