Yes, recuperating as prescribed in this heart-sanatorium, that is free for all, including healthy food, except we are paying extra (cca 150pounds for the 2 weeks I think) for me and being upgraded to a luxury room - which is the same as the others - en suite - except for a fridge and the telly - this last is not used as we have enough other entertainment with the tablet, kifli with speakers, kindle, books, cards (45 to 28 to me in knocking rummy) crossword and sudoku books... not to mention long walks in the afternoons unless it it -really- hellish out there (we managed every day so far - one beautiful, 2 dark and windy, of these one cold only). Not to mention doctors' nurses' visits, blood/wee tests. ultrasound (Alan's heart regenerating lovely, doc said if he hadn't seen the history data, he wouldn't have noticed anything different from normal!) physio excercises, massages... Jutka is staying in a giant version of our establishment with her arrhythmia, 5 minutes walk away, the original 120 years old heart hospital, and we have sinful mull wine and cakes to lighten our afternoon walks. So all in all, we have pleasant time. We got here on Sunday with hyppo,
no problem, started after 10 from Kiskassa and got here before 2pm. Marta and Marta's sister Dia are coming down this weekend, I just booked them to a nice hotel nearby. Erzsi and co are looking after the farm and house as per usual, we can look forward to getting home in a nice, warm, clean and tidy place. So knock on wood, we are in a positive frame of mind!!

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