
re-settled in Hungary from Rochdale, Lancs, England, and into a little village, doing a bit of greenish farming hoping for a quiet life... but stuff just happens...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

and now it's too &%$**& hot

... and I have a mega cold. I nursed a bad cough for weeks - my sis dragged me to the doc and I had a course of antibiotics - sort of got better, and a couple of days ago in Budapest I really went down with very sore throat, and a very nasty leaky type of cold, which still persist, though I had a good night sleep without sweats and coughs, maybe it is over now. I haven't had a cold since we've been here, so it's a shock to the system in every way.
Meanwhile while I am climbing through piles of tissues, it turned -really- hot, in some place of our county (Baranya) there was 37C.

So while some of Hungary is still under water - the Intercity train to and from was hours late, balancing between continuous newly formed bodies of water directly next to the rails - we are getting dry here already. We have 2 Irish wwoofer girls and we found tons of peas ready to pick in the upper field - and the soil cracked like if it was not raining all spring.
Our new cherry trees had not a lot of cherries - less than last year, but they had no skin-damage like Nora's, very beautiful.

A tired, and probably very dehydrated pigeon landed on the fruit drier while I wasn't here, it is from Croatia, I just sent off e-mails for the local pigeon racing people with the code we found on it, I hope they'll com for it. Meanwhile it is eating and drinking and calmly watching Gus watching it, Alan made it a comfortable little run.

Oh, our "author" left, so we won't earn our nest-egg, but we are not particularly sorry as such.

Mustafa decided, as he cannot at the moment sell his house with profit, he'll invest in it tons of money, and starts a very un-green business of exotic flower cultivation. Well, good luck to him, hope it'll work out. He plans to employ people, which would be good for the village.

Meanwhile the football world championship started, Alan is watching with Pete, the Dutch next door neighbour, and he reckons England would do so much better if I joined them shouting and getting excited... so there I go. Pics show the leeks I talked about last time and the pigeon.


At 10:17 pm, Blogger Chronoguard said...

Hey there! Hope all is well. Sounds like this season is a bit slow. Maybe because people are more interested in the World Cup instead of travelling?
I wish that Brussels is as hot as Hungary at the moment. The weather was never nice over here. Take care of yourself!


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