Easter Sunday
yes, we had the usual egg-search this morning, 90 nicely coloured easter eggs were hidden for the grand total of 3 toddlers! The front loan was shorter this time by the geese enclosure, but there was still enough place to hide eggs. It is a bit sad that the number of the kids were so much down - there are at least 3 more eligible youngsters, their families must have been visiting elsewhere... The busy wwoofer girls helped at the communal egg-painting yesterday afternoon as well as baking beautiful French cakes for all the other people accompanying the egg-searchers. Mici and one of the other goat kids (affectionately called Pörkölt by Alan) were duly produced and stroked by all who were not too shy.
Picture shows Nora's grand-daughters stroking Mici.
On another one you can see wwoofers in a relaxing moment...
this is all part of the book I should be writing: "How To Make French Women Fat"... the girls reckon I am succeeding...
And the one that looks like a painting was made when we went for a walk with Alan just at sunset the other day.
I just thought interesting to mention how our kids are spending their long weekend - Szonya is staying in a yurt in Wales, and Martin is watching the Shuttle launch in Houston... opposite parts of human history...
The first cheese is in the hanging stage. We had a couple of milking mishaps; the bucket being kicked and the little goats opening the latch to their mothers... but everybody is getting into the routine now.
Our first hostel guest to book into the Old Stables arrived - an oz traveller lady from Sydney - and we got her to stay in the end room for the same price - it is too cold at the moment to sleep in the stables. (was 4C the last few days at night, though gone over 20C during the day).
She's staying for 3 days, she's walking Bonzo as we speak. She's having the €3 dinner with us tonight, wwoofers should be back by then, they are discovering Villány and Siklós this afternoon.
We'll have tomato soup, Anna's rolled pork steak stuffed with spicy sausage, mash potatoes and mixed pickles. There are shop cakes, French cakes and mákos-diós noodles for those who can manage...
It seems that I didn't talk about food for ages...
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