never mind...
Fidesz was duly voted in and they'll probably get their 2/3 majority
to be able to change the constitution and stuff like that, but the fascists will vote with them anyway. "My" LMP will get to parliamant - remarkably for a 1 year old party, they voted into the house with just short of 8% if I remember correctly, however, from their actions so far (rather then the rhetoric) they'll vote with Fidesz, too...
However, my bolshy letter was published without editing in Népszabadság, which cheered me up more than it should...
(included in Hungarian)
The weather was horrid, wet and cold, we are a bit worried about our sowed seeds. The sweet corn and the red lettuces and some tomato are showing in the greenhouse however.
We had the bogrács do on thursday, basically a thanks for Ann-Valery and Annais, who've just left this morning and were lovely in every possible way. There was trifle, made out of tinned strawberry rather than the usual tangerine, and it was a success. As was Dodi's venison pörkölt which was enforced with beef, and accompanied by a big potful of nokkedli produced by Timi. There were 15 of us, which is quite a decent party, everyone had a good time, of course! It was spitting, but not a cold night.
Next day, on Friday evening, the girls took me to the Pécsiest Cafe in Pécs, where there was a gig by an international set-up headed by a chap from the Tom Waites band, who's name escapes me. It was very enjoyable blues/funk stuff - except for the slow numbers I didn't care for. Girls were very tired due to being worked hard by some heartless wwoofers-host, so we didn't stay long. Alan stayed home, looks like being a heartless wwoofers-host is also very tiring...
We have a lovely couple hostelguests spanish-czech-slovak-hungarian mix, and they decided to call their workplace and stay an extra day, on top of the 2 they booked, as they are enjoying here... they braved goat-milking as well as my food so far.
I made the first 2 batches of cheese less salty than usual, as expected it being consumed before letting it mature. It was received as positively as I remember from the previous cheese-making season.
I'll take some with me to Budapest for my usual few days visit tomorrow. Alan will probably feel very lonely after such lively company, and he'll have to manage the goats, milking and cheese making on his own. Phonecalls would cheer him up, hint, hint...
Pictures show the inevitable cold comfort cats, and the bogrács party.
here is my published letter:
Heller Ágnes azt írja (ápr 3 Hétvége) hogy "Nálunk csak a liberális demokrácia ...új",
pedig ez csak nálunk új. Mindenhol máshol az a neve, hogy kapitalizmus.
Ha egy párt magát szocialistának hívja, akkor ne csodálkozzon amikor
neoliberalis gazdaságpolitikájáért jobbról-balról utálják, hiába tűzdeli
pánikszerű következetlen adakozással.
A fasizmus törvényszerű mindenhol, ahol a demokratikus baloldal kipusztul.
A szocializmus úgy lett definiálva, mint a demokrácia eddigi legmagasabb foka.
Na ez az, ami globálisan új lenne.
Minden más a kipróbált régi piac rendszer, ahol jobb esetben is csak a beszéd
szabad, a többi magántulajdonon alapuló káosz.
Ahogy a régi szakállas mondta: szocializmus vagy barbarizmus.
Igencsak nyilvánvaló melyik fázisba menetel az emberiség, amely nem elég értelmes
ahhoz, hogy tanuljon a múltból.
Durant Éva, Kiskassa
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