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yes, up to short-sleeve 20Cs today!
Alan had a trip to Balatonalmadi yesterday with Pali, collecting
a nice canapé that used to be ours, another not so good bed, and an absolute ton of whole windows, doors, louvre-doors. I have no idea what Alan plans to do with them, I think basically just didn't want them go to waste... Meanwhile I had English lesson with Timi and Dodi, after which we climbed into their little van with lovely kiwi guests Jenna and Nick to sample the first mulled wine of the season, that Timi made and it was wonderful, so I have a new recipe.
We walked home, collecting 2 liters of white for further experimentation.
Above mentioned hostel guests-cum-wwoofers helped to herd goats, lift sacks of corn we got from Anna, walked dogs, and gave neat haircut to a very deserving and suitably grateful Bonzo. They seem to have enjoyed all this as decided to stay for 6 days instead of their initial 2.
Jenna is a teacher, so Tunde, who came for lesson, had a chance to sample authentic New Zealand accent.
Tomorrow is the 1956 memorial bank holiday, which will be celebrate with an ordinary day of walks, goats, food and English lesson.
The goats - well Miska is definitely in a better spirit, he breaks through less electric and other fences now, and more to catch up with his ladies, than to run away from them, which is a bit of improvement don't you think?
No new pictures, so just a thing that grabbed my fancy from skeptic today, and here is a great url to see new pictures of Saturn:
Oooh, you'll raise some comment with that.
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