pre-Búcsú and Búcsú

Hot day’s afternoon was spent helping out in the making of the Kiskassa ragged cheese and sausage scones (=Kiskassa rongyos pogácsa) a true cooperative effort; Margit and Ilonka kneaded it, shaped it, we with Ashleigh our newest wwoofer, helped put on the sausage and cheese and carry the trays to the houses where they were baked. Ilonka was very upset as the result did not rise as high as she meant them to, but they taste fabulous and in no doubt they will be eaten in seconds tomorrow at the biggest annual village event (búcsú), the festival of Anne – which I presume is the village’s saint. It will be two days of exhibitions, displays of local art, folk-dance both Hungarian and local ethnic German, a ball on Saturday night, bicycle race, etc. Tomorrow morning I take our contributory tomatoes to Nora’s where there will be a big lecsó cooked for the 50 people that will be considered guests of the village and the organisers of the event. I forgot to make pictures of Ilonka and Margit today, I hope for good pictures tomorrow. (Éva)
well, it's next day now, exhibition, dance, eating and more eating... we were too done for to go down to the ball... (Éva)
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