
Hussars, yes, they vvere (still no vv on keyboard due to knocking a full glass of vvine on it) in the village vvith horses and everything. They vvere fed and vvatered in the
Pensioners’ club. All very nicely kept, folk-costumes and shiny, beautiful men and beast… They impressed Christine, the vvorkaholic vvoofer from Tennessee, and Nicole and Maya from Victoria, Canada. They are again lovely to host, very helpful and easy to live vvith. VVE vvere collecting raspberries at a friend’s in the village, and an hour vvork resulted in enough fruit for 4 liters of syrup, hich is a vvonderful drink diluted vvith soda vvater. The mutant cucumbers are still grovving. The nevv chest-freezer is arriving tomorrow so the processing may go on… Clary goat seems to behaving much better since Alan fabricated a feed tray so she can munch more comfortably vvhile being milked. The floor tiles for the kitchen at the renovation project have been laid, Alan is rightly proud of his novel tile cutting technique involving some kung-fu I think. Hm - are these posts very sort of non-philosophical
and non-controversal, hich must mean boring!! at least the vv-s or their lack is interesting... (Éva)
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