
our village has no stork. You walk to most proper Hungarian village and you have a stork nest at a prominent place - in Palkonya it's the church tower. But ours had none - so far! This evening a stork landed on our house! But no nest yet.
We have to look up the know-how how to get a stork nest on your property...
Otherwise we and wwoofers went black cherry picking and village friend Magdi helped to make our first jam. Well, she did most of it, I only helped stoning. Lovely! In one hour we picked cca 10kg, and our share is about 8 jars - plus the wwoofers (Tam and Lorna) are getting 1 each, will make a lovely breakfast addition to their future camping and wwoofing adventures. But we hope they'll stay on a bit more - as they are big help indeed. We expect the next one to arrive this weekend, and guess what - he's a painter and decorator! Forgot to mention, that mud-brick walls behave differently than other walls...
Beside being self-sufficient in milk, now we have tons of radish, lettuce (lollarosa, too) spinach and sorrel now in the freezer, rocket, and something called garden zsazsa, dill still to be cut and soon we have to deal with a frightening amount of peas. I probably mentioned all this, but you forgot and desperately need to know...
Managed to get the pictures on the previouss post!! Look it up.
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