beetroot soup, fishsoup, pörkölt in couldron

In spite of the heat wave – nearly 40C today – our heroic wwoofers Maya and Nicole from Victoria, Canada put in a good few hours in the mornings on the field – and so I looks much less like a jungle now. The clover made decent hay.. The tomatoes are incredible, in the polytunnel as well as from the plants that were pre-grown there. Alan nearly finished grouting the kitchen floor tiles and managed to get the 3phase motor going, so now we can grind our own chicken food. We have a working w on a brand new, to us, keyboard that Vic and Maggie kindly brought all the way from Brighton.
For 3 days we were fed in the evenings; first by Maya, excellent cold beetroot soup,
next day Kálmán, the flying one, turned up with a pot of fish-soup local style, and yesterday we went to Magdi’s name-day do, bogrács (cauldron) full with meat made with lots of paprika flavouring cooked outside. And strudels. And chocolate balls with black cherry inside. There were 16 of us, the girls helped to liven up the usual crowd, a very pleasant evening. We contributed the wine, a fresh container from Villány.
Well, ok only 5 liter of it. We are frugal.
The pictures – Christine The Incredible Wwoofer thanks for everything again!!
More mutant cucumbers – an my arm... Kálmán’s flowers, tonight’s tomatoes gathered with the beetroot that was taken out for testing the size. In not necessarily in this order, for some reason the ordering of the pictures is sort of random. (Éva)
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