If I don't want to write a book - I just put in the pics - we had a totally fab time - if neckering - Szonya's party, the meals, the pubs, the landscapes of Devon, the grass, the fat sheep... all those dead Durants all over the place, even a village benefactor and castle-owner... all gone wonderfully, mostly with Szonya's wise guidance... looking up the bank statement - it was a glorious pub-crawl really... and hey, we haven't spent all our money! The stay in the Durant's arms, one of the many highs... North Tawton really beautiful in my opinion, the pubs close in weird times, but the pensioners' tea in the church just arranged at the right time for us, to invite us for a large selection of cakes - including the famous Devon clotted cream scone thingie, with cream first, jam on top, and not, definitely not the other way round which is the Cornwall way! Giving Alan tons of interesting Durant local data to follow, which only these local incredibly nice people knew, one of them becoming our guide... In Ashprington, the local historian totally amazed to see real, live Durants... and so much more crammed into these 4 days...
coming back to a jungle of weeds - Erzsi and Tibi did tons to clear paths, process carrots, clear the polytunnel but couldn't do everything in rain and heat... huge raspberries to be picked growing on top of the sweet, this year weirdly uneven sized black grapes... All fans on

- cabbage to process - still to figure out how... tons of cukes, ditto... sweetcorn ready in days now... picked tomatoes and paprika with the big marrow that waited for us - large töklecsó to be made today... blog to be continued if we survive record heat forecast... oh, and the gosling is turning into white grown-up, though still making baby noises. Pics of it next post - if still around... oh, added a few pics of the village búcsú to the end of which we just arrived, there was an exhibition of Feri's pics! Who thought - they are not too good, but some not bad... and the usual culture program... you have to guess which pics are those...
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