a visit to the frozen Balaton, first time ever, impressed. Also surprise revolving water-tower-top in Siofok, with a cafe!! Just like Toronto!
** Dorka had her first birthday - pleasant afternoon, and now we have to put together a handwritten letter for her only to be opened on her 18th! Juci promised that 1. Dorka will be able to read hand-writing 2. English. I believe the second one... I'll wait for a super optimistic mood for this, maybe in the spring... winter was interesting for awhile, but now we had enough of it, thank you.
** Moxie's daughter, at Dodi's had two little'ones, but for an obscure reason after a couple of days she took an intense dislike to the white one, so poor Dodi has to use all sorts of maneuvers to get the poor, sad thing fed.
** hens are still laying well, must be an early spring on the way, surely.
** 2 more of my letters were published in Népszava - absolutely no reaction from the other allegedly 18K readers.
I've written two more since - can't help it, I am an opinionated b-d, as some of you know, and there's so much idiocy one can take... let's see if they will publish them, too. oh, and some people from the "left-wing block" of the MSzP got in touch with me, apparently they like my stuff... I invited them for chat, poor old lonely and sad dears...

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