... and we saw Placido Domingo!! Getting on, singing the baritone from Traviata - and it was a very good one-off concert in the Pécs expo place, we had a good seat as far as these plastic things go - for our cca £15 each! We also celebrated my bday - Alan tried to make some portrait of the lady, but as I looked the precise age on them, I only kept the one in shade - I look quite good on that... All is well except having to get a new freezer and having to keep taking back the "new" little notebook which now it seems, cannot cope with linux...
back to the bday, we sat with drinks in Villany's Halasi terasz - beautiful and balmy afternoon, we have to have a meal there - the "lecso soup with foi gras" intrigued me... but we went for the wild-hog pörkölt in the very top of the hill - the last vinecellar of the line - and it was worth it, the best meal we had by a long shot for some time, and we did have a few good ones...
just lovely in every way. The rest just the pics - could do with some help to eat all the fruit - still managed to pick a big colander full of gorgous large black cherries, as well as just picking up the apricots that fallen since yesterday - I made 12 small and one large jar of jam from yesterdays - there'll be about 50 kilos to pick ... if locals won't notice it... Erzsi will bottle the rest... and we have now marrows, carrots, parsnips, spinach, green (yellow) beans to eat and process... Erzsi will put tons in her freezer, as our new one is smaller than the old one. I thought we no meat produced it'd do, forgot about all these abundance coming up...
I am reading a book "Oblomov" which is a russian classic by an author I've never heard of - quite fascinating - bit proust like, but not quite as dense, so I am managing - just... also doing another of the lackluster Futurelearn about global politics done by a Grenoble uni business school. And still being addicted to "italian" style hungarian crosswords... so - very busy!!
and you can see old Bonzo being frightened of thunder - we had a surprising amount of rain and not all that hot - I mean not hotter than 30C lately. There are little figs after all! Little gosling seems ok, will make a pic one of these days when brave enough. Have I mentioned that the shop now has its own oven to do all those marvellous smelling and looking fornetty type of things? Not good for our healthy eating...
...and there's Erzsi when she came with her home-made bday bouquet.And our new bench, from the village közmunkás workshop.

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