Budapest, Mothers' day, and various places, all good - got 6 new ducklings and 20 little chickens - this is downsizing a la us... not to mention that mother rabbit should deliver little ones any day... well, it -is- spring. Pete and Boully are here and putting in good wwooferings. We picked the first very nice early crispy cherries. I think I am going on a cherry diet. Eating nothing else for a week should do me good in every possible way. Started the FutureLearn "what is the mind" course - so far so-so. Very difficult to discuss with other students when there are hundreds of them. fotos are random stuff from what I just said - Budapest Danube bank, Kiraly utca, shop sign Alan liked, and mostly more spring Kiskassa. Oh, we also have cucumbers in the polytunnel, everything looks good, had some rain, and as the Hungarian saying goes, May rain worth gold.

who is this crazy nut woman dressed in pink?
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