Szonya and Alan are scraping/shovelling snow as we speak, though it's still coming down, if not as heavy as this morning. All the xmas days gone pleasantly, the tree is pleasing if smaller than before, lots of good food, all had turned out splendid, except a slight mishap ending with a bit of crunchy mince pies. Fotos - show a happy Bonzo, who was allowed in due to the weather this morning, Alan says he found him under a snowdrift - if so he was pretending, as when I went out he managed to walk-about and eat breakfast perfectly all right. Well, so far he's been behaving well and is happy, which helps us overcome the absence of cats - Folti also disappeared a few days ago, again not turning up for breakfast and no sign whatsoever. Alan is sure these sad disappearances are due to the large owls he's been seeing lately.

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