not long - off to Bp again for the weekend, as Drew's folks are visiting, and we'll have a long expected meeting ( a meal) with them. Dad's bday, Martin and Sharon's visit in Kiskassa as well as in Budapest went well, not counting the heartache of them living so far,with the usual not too worrying hiccups - old and odd parents (us) behaving and feeling silly, mostly. As for the farm - Imre - a friend of Timi's who just moved into the village, looked after it excellently. Erzsi was not well again - this time it was a nasty allergy reaction/inflammation. The geese are sitting on eggs, which never happened (to us) before, very exciting. Alan's onions look good, other stuff planted, lettuce pickable under the glass. Unfortunately the sorrel is now open to the sheep, but Alan says he planted some. Fotos are all from the mobile, so when flash usually needed, they're a bit hazy. Women's day; Dad's birthday, classic (retro?) cinema visit, my happy sis, Kiskassa fitness room, the site of our aggressive table tennis when we can get to it,

kids, such as Martin's somloi galuska.
. The weather was fine all the way through (even in Milnrow, mostly) with cold gusts.

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