made it into February. Ping-pong crisis resolved with a compromise; monday and thursday mornings the place will be opened, we'll see. Cannot check it out till Thursday, we'll have busy times coming. We have two appointments in the Siklós hospital, one for my heart - just to make sure it's doing a proper enough job - and Alan's gallbladder, which sometimes is bothersome. Thursday evening is puppet theatre time
(, we found them one day by accident, after re-discovering the Apollo movie-cafe, in an odd little shop, and invited in by the spectacular moustached owner, who told us about this next for-adults performance to do with a Rejtő
novel, and apparently lucky, as there is only room for 40. And for sunday 15th we booked two posh hotel days for Buso festival in Mohacs, which Alan has never seen. The sun is shining as I type on the old keyboard which goes with our New Laptop we getting through the usual not-quite-as-it-was hiccups - Marc barc I suppose the Hungarian character arrangement will have to wait - meanwhile I have to toggle and use the new keyboard for one and t'old for the other when writing longer or official texts. Otherwise it is marvellous - much quieter than the old box, which the Siklos people refused to put together again, which is sad, because it worked if Alan kicked it in a the friendly way. Temperature around zero. silly racka - the one with the twirly horn - gone to freezer - no kids for 2 years and hurting other sheep and dangerous for hopefully expected new arrivals. Lots of big rabbits gone to the same resting place I'm afraid. Yum-yum.
got fotos - showing this year's xmas tree facing the outside world, winter raspberry and grapewine corner, the new laptop setup, and Bears! The orange-tree is flowering!!!
I forgot to mention in the last blog - after long years we met up in Budapest with Julianna and Roy - very pleasant hours spent partly in Alan's fav

cafe and lunching in
their fav eatingplace, very reasonable and very nice food, name escapes me as per usual, near Corvin on Blaha Lujza.
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