
re-settled in Hungary from Rochdale, Lancs, England, and into a little village, doing a bit of greenish farming hoping for a quiet life... but stuff just happens...

Thursday, October 16, 2014

a day in the life...

a bit dark and rainy for the last two days, but warm - upto 20 during the day - it was 30 earlier in the week, when short-term wwoofer Miki Szilárd did lots of good works, did not let me do any dishes, alltogether lovely - 34 years old (like some other people) and our first Swiss, speaking good english with a delightful french accent. Even daddy liked him and told him he can come back. and was more left wing than us!! A rare occurrence. Oh, before I forget, Szondzs, we decided to stay home for New Years, to let you be for a few weeks... and the local do wasn't too bad last year. Have I mentioned, that Erika was duly re-elected 110:53 very good turnout us Kiskassa democrats... collected about a kilo figs, (got wet because the trees are junglish and were wet from rain) half kilo paprikas and 3 raspberries this morning... 23rd will be a 4 day weekend here, two sheep will make it to the freezer. probably into Erzsi's as this one is full. The one in the other house broke down a few months ago poor thing, it was a good sweedish make must have been at least 40 years old, bought it re-conditioned when in Hallcroft Gardens. taking cats to Siklós vet second shot of inocs this evening. If we can catch them. Very good hunters, they are now all over the place. Cirmi will be really large. thinking about leaving them out at night, they not keen coming in, even around midnight, they come in for a cuddle, sniff the food and off they shoot if we don't close the door quick enough.


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