Erzsi is ok, it was basically a serious panic attack, she is back to what counts as normal for her presently. The brigade also re-materialised, when the rains stopped and did some cleaning, if not a lot, meanwhile there might have been trouble between them and the village, the mayor is coming when they get back today, we ask them to leave most probably. Other - I am sending a few updates about some of present live-stock. The first batch of rabbits qualified for the freezer status yesterday. Second just getting weaned. Stopped picking raspberries, only the unripe ones are ok now, The black reddishes are the new stars, cooked them into veg curry, very nice.Also, of course, for salad, grated with my version of kefir-saladcream. JUtka was in the region with friends, we visited where they stayed in Helesfa, nice walk, chat. Next day we joined them in Pécs -made it after 9 years into the mining museum, enjoyed it, though wasn't as scary as Lois made me believe. Then harvest festival this weekend - managed to miss last nights
cabbage-bean meal - still recovering from Barna's chestnut pancakes; did smell nice... todays pensioners' day program and meal really did it for the weekend... though tomorrow getting corn from the co-op, Tuesday village meeting - the last one of the present "administration' of which I was proud elected representative - but that was it, got the t-shirt, I am not standing again. Wednesday we are going to the Opera House to see a special dance-festival evening of 3 first class ballet groups. Thursday we're supposed to be off to Budapest - I am due a weekend with the girls, Alan will be looked after by Jutka. it some how accelerated lately... Photos show the progress of the tangerine-tree, some of the above happenings, the green stuff still growing, the
harvest march which included some wedding dress exhibits and Béla, who helped with the serving at the old people do.

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