back to sunny Kiskassa
well, today at last - past 20C when the thermometer got direct sunshine... But there are giant mounds of dirty snow everywhere. Anna said they worked their arses to the bone (??) to shovel all the snow in front - quite a long pavement we have. In Hungary you are expected by law to keep your part clear, and in the village you do get the stare if you not on top of your act - even if it is still snowing (in which case - what the point me think).
Anyway, our trip was really good, everything worked this time, even the Manchester weather managed to hold off it's worst, thought it was cold and sleety even snowy. Extra thanks for Eira and Sms who showed a comfortable and good time to Pali and Erika, who really seemed to enjoy themselves; they ventured into York and Liverpool on their own, and of course joined the Saturday pub crawl and curry in Manchester, amongst other programs. A big thank you to people who made an effort to see us - Frank from furthest away, but was lovely to see Paddy and Ann after a good few years.
In Budapest, where we had a 3 days stay before our flight, we managed to find a snooker table for Alan - if only 3/4 size; seen Auntie Edit - she still busy making great drawings - and little Feco, who has smiles and interest well past the 2 and a half months baby standards... Also, we went to see Michael Moore's Capitalism - very good - we are ready for that proper democratic control bringing revolution, please, get on with it...
Pictures show the very pure white village we left before our trip, and some Manchester shots and the Tim Bobbin in Milnrow, that is just "The Bobbin" now and is a bar, not a pub.
Oh, by the way, the goats look extremely pregnant, - but they looked that way last year... maybe they are a bit more that way now - or is it wishful thinking?? They are happy, as are the other beasts, Anna's Jozsi took good care of everything for us.
And, and... we have hostel bookings!! Also we'll have our first wwoofers of this year, too, in a couple of weeks.
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